Whatever is lovely.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

In everything, I strive for loveliness. To me, loveliness means being honorable, kind, pure, and generous. My most important goal in life is to honor the Lord in everything I do, whether it’s in my photography or my everyday life.

Loveliness is more than just beauty; it invokes a sense of purity, grace, and simplicity. While beauty is more specific to your outward appearance, loveliness is influenced by more than just the way you look. When you act, talk, and treat people with kindness, that is loveliness. The patience a mother has with her rambunctious kids and fussing baby is lovely. The tender longing with which a couple gazes into each other’s eyes on their wedding day is lovely. The gentle touch of a dad’s uncertain hands against his new baby’s soft skin is lovely. The freedom and whimsy of standing in a field with your hands raised, marveling at God’s creation, that is lovely.

In my work, I want to focus on capturing the loveliness in your life. Loveliness doesn’t have to be perfect, because life isn’t perfect. Life is messy, hard, and sad sometimes. But it’s also beautiful, exciting, romantic, and meaningful. God has given us the gift to live this life in honor of Him, and in the midst of this crazy, scary world there is meaning, beauty, and loveliness that is worth remembering. That’s what I want to do for you, remind you of the loveliness in your life. :)